1 Sanbon-zuki(step forward)

2 Jodan Age-uke, Nekoashi-dachi Gedan Barai, Front leg Mae-geri, Zenkutsu-dachi Gyaku-zuki(step back)

*Keep Nekoashi-dachi after kicking, then shift to Zenkutsu-dachi Gyaku-zuki

3 Chudan Soto-uke, Kiba-dachi Enpi(step forward)

4 Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke, Nukite(step back)

5 Gedan Barai, Nekoashi-dachi Uchi-uke, slide forward to Zenkutsu-dachi Ura-zuki Gyaku-zuki(step forward)
Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

6 From Jiyu-na-kamae,Mae-geri, Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Gyaku-zuki(step forward)

*In Oi-zuki (hanmi, side facing), Gyaku-zuki (shomen, frontal facing)

7 From Jiyu-na-kamaeMae-geri, Mawashi-geri, Ushiro-geri, Ura Mawashi-geri(both sides)

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

8 Yoko Ke-age, same leg Yoko Ke-komi (step forward)

Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae

9 Turning & stepping forward Ura Shuto-uchi, same place Haito-uchi (step forward)


Bassai Dai

Kanku Dai
*Please note that the Kanku Dai kata shall be assessed as a positive, the attempt to perform the kata will be seen a merit towards the grading result.


Jiyu-Ippon-Kumite (Semi free with tai sabaki)

1 Jordan Oi-zuki – Age uke block

2 Chudan Oi-zuki– Soto uke block

3 Mae-Geri– Gedan-barai block

4 Yoko-geri Ke-komi – Soto uke block

5 Mawashi-geri – Uchi uke jodan block

6 Ushiro-geri – Gedan barai block