1 Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Gyaku-zuki (frontal hip position for both punches) (step forward)
Stepping forward punching to head, same hand as front leg then
punch reverse hand to stomach.
2 Jodan Age-uke, Gyaku-zuki(step back)
Stepping backwards head level block, back hand reverse punch, keep
the punching hand out
3 Chudan Soto-uke, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)
Stepping forwards outside block, back hand reverse punch, keep
the punching hand out
4 Chudan Uchi-uke, Gyaku-zuki(step back)
Stepping backwards inside block, back hand reverse punch, keep
the punching hand out
5 Gedan Barai, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)
Stepping forwards downwards block, back hand reverse punch, keep
the punching hand out
6 Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke, Nekoashi-dachi Gedan Barai (step backward)
Stepping backwards in back stance with a shuto, pull the front foot
back into cat stance with a downwards block
From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan-kamae- Correct the stance by extending the front foot back to a long stance from a cat stance
7 Mae-geri, Oi-zuki(step forward)
Stepping forwards front kick, same hand punches as leg that kicked
Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae - back leg around and turn with a downwards block
8 Mawashi-geri, Gyaku-zuki(step forward)*Keep the hand at same position before kicking
Stepping forwards round house kick, back hand reverse punch to the
stomach and keep this hand out for the next kick.
From Kiba-dachi - step back leg into horse riding stance
9 Yoko ke-age switch legs Yoko ke-komi
Stepping across with side snap kick, twist the feet, other leg side
push kick and land in horse riding stance
Mawatte (turn around), from Gedan-kamae - back leg steps across with downwards block
10 Turning & stepping forward Ura-ken, Gyaku-zuki
Stepping forwards, spinning back fist, back hand stomach level
reverse punch, keep the punching hand out
Heian Yondan
Kihon Ippon Kumite (from yoi, basic 1 step attack, with counter)
1 Jordan Oi-zuki – Age uke block
2 Chudan Oi-zuki – Soto uke block
3 Mae-Geri – Gedan-barai block
4 Yoko-geri Ke-komi – Soto uke block
5 Mawashi-geri – Uchi uke jodan block
6 Jiyu Kumite - Free Sparring