1 Jodan Oi-zuki, Chudan Gyaku-zuki (frontal hip position for both punches) (step forward)
Stepping forward punching to head, same hand as front leg
then punch reverse hand to stomach .
2 Jodan Age-uke(step back)
Stepping backwards with head level block.
3 Chudan Soto-uke(step forward)
Stepping forward with outside block stomach level.
4 Chudan Uchi-uke(step back)
Stepping back with inside block.
5 Gedan Barai(step forward)
Stepping forwards with downwards block.
6 Kokutsu-dachi Shuto-uke(step back)
Stepping backwards in back stance with hand in shuto.
From Jiyu-na-kamae
Long stance but hands to fighting position
7 Mae-geri(step forward)
Stepping forwards with front kick to stomach.
Mawatte (turn around), blocking gedan barai - back leg around and turn with downwards block
Long stance but hands to fighting position
8 Mawashi-geri(step forward)
Stepping forwards kicking round house kick
From Kiba-dachi - step back leg into horse riding stance
9 Yoko ke-age(step forward)
Step across with front leg side snap kick
Both ways
10 Yoko ke-komi(step forward)
Step across with front leg side push kick
Both ways
Heian Sandan
1 Jordan Oi-zuki – Age Uke block
2 Chudan Oi-zuki – Soto Uke block
3 Mae-geri – Gedan-barai block
4 Jiyu Kumite - Free Sparring